Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Appreciate The Little Things

                In today's fast paced society we sometimes forget to slow down and appreciate things happening around us. Regardless of whether we are looking at a computer screen or a cell phone, so many of us today spend the majority of the day connected to the web. I often find myself bored or even lost without a connection to the internet. Not to degrade this amazing tool of instant access to information. The internet is only limited by our own ambition. Yet at the same time, our use of the internet as a whole has degraded our own ambitions. My point is that the majority of the time we aren't using the internet to its full potential. Rather than using it as an amazing tool for learning we are consumed by social networks and video games. Though social networking is undeniably one of the most powerful tools we have today. We even abuse the true purpose of these websites. The problem is PROCRASTINATION, for especially my generation and those younger than me. 

               Growing up I always loved listening to stories from older relatives. Ranging from how they would hangout and play as children to even how they would go out and party as young adults. Now that I am in my twenties, I have a few tales to tell as well. But none of them seem quite to be like those of older generations. And I find that to be a similar recurrence with most of my generation. I fear that it is because of our use of technology. We don't know how to have proper relationships, being with friends or significant others. We have been built upon a foundation of showing our best online so that everyone will like our pictures and videos and status updates. But we forgot the most important part in a relationship. That in fact is that we are caring to the other, and putting them first. We are desensitized to those around us. And at the same time, to that which is going on around us.

              So all that I ask is that we take some time, not only to be aware of others and that which happens around us, but for us to be self aware. If we keep ourselves in check from time to time then we would have nothing to worry about. It keeps us realistic and sane. It allows us to appreciate where we are. It lets you say, today I am alive, therefore today is a good day. There is so much to do and see and experience in this world. It is a shame for any one of us to be bored. So open your eyes! No, our eyes are already open.. Let's rephrase that! Lift your gaze from the screens you stare at daily and appreciate that you are alive.

Thank you


  1. Great blog...thanks for writing.

  2. Interesting reading. I hope you post regularly. I'm Kayus, from India, and am very interested in Orthodoxy. Perhaps you can share some of your lessons? Are they in that exquisite language, Serbian? Do you learn Old Church Slavonic? Sve najbolje iz Bombaja! Kayus

    1. Thank you for your reply Kayus, it means a lot to receive your feedback! I would actually enjoy sharing some lessons and discussing topics on my faith! While my schooling at the University of Belgrade is strictly in the Serbian language, our church services are generally practiced in the language that fits the need of the people present! So while we do retain our Serbian heritage by using Serbian during a service, we also use the English language in America. To answer your second question, yes, learning Old Church Slavonic is a requirement and a necessity at my school and later on as a Serbian Orthodox priest! Thank you again for your reply, and I am looking forward to updating and regularly posting on my blog!

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